PA-800 Series
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Better together: branch security and connectivity

The 3rd Gen PA-800 Series is designed for organizations that require enterprise-quality security in a small form factor. These ML-Powered NGFWs support a wide range of security features that integrate easily into your existing network.

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The 3rd Gen PA-800 Series is designed for organizations that require enterprise-quality security in a small form factor. These ML-Powered NGFWs support a wide range of security features that integrate easily into your existing network.

Palo Alto Networks PA-800 Series ML-Powered Next-Generation Firewalls, comprising the PA-820 and PA-850, are designed to provide secure connectivity for organizations’ branch offices as well as midsize businesses. Enables you to safely implement SD-WAN and delivers an exceptional end user experience by minimizing latency, jitter, and packet loss.

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